Community Access to Child Health (CATCH)
CATCH is one of the Community empowerment component of the Helping Hands Foundation`s Program. Here the like-minded people have gathered. They firmly believe that the only way, the developing countries can progress, is to undertake developmental projects with the involvement of the local communities.
To improve education & health in the project areas and to develop low cost primary health care models that are easy to replicate.
Mainly we’ll concentrate on:
- Strengthening the link between nutrition and health
- Implementing & sustaining effective public health program
- Promoting and sustaining healthy behaviors
- Establishing Public-Private partnership

Primary Education
Education is the basic need for every community. To achieve this object, we plan:
- To motivate people for getting their children educated & to establish schools where needed.
- To produce and disseminate literature on health education for the children and their parents

Primary Health Care
We aim to provide access to the primary health care that integrates preventive measures for Physical & Mental health:
- To provide Free Diagnostic and Therapeutic facilities to the poor patients, while supporting continues Medical research.
- Integrating child survival programs for promoting & sustaining healthy behaviors such as Mother and child health, Breast feeding, Malnutrition, Communicable & Non-communicable diseases, Immunization, Iodine Deficiency, Growth monitoring and Child spacing.
- To provide support & disseminate technical information for the provision of Safe water supply, Environmental hygiene, Anti-smoking program and about Sextually Transmitted Diseases.

Community Empowerment
To empower communities to be self-reliant and serving others, We plan to start:
- Micro-credit & income generation activities.
- Disaster relief (food, Clothing, medicines to war/ draught/ flood affected people) etc.