An Antenatal Success Story
Rashida is a 30 years old mother living at Haji Block Mehdipur Road near Institute of Mother & Child Care (I-MACCA) in the Multan District, Pakistan. She is the mother of three children (two boys and one girl), and lives with her husband in a remote rural area of the Multan. She is happy and manages a standard of living on which her family can afford most of the basic human needs. She has used the basic health facilities whenever she has been pregnant, as well as after the deliveries of her three children.
Rashida says, “During the pregnancy of my second child, I was able to go for antenatal visits at the I-MACCA. One thing which I learned during my visit, which has helped me so far, is education on the ‘danger signs’ during pregnancies.” She continues, “Some of the signs, like bleeding and headaches, appeared to me when I was pregnant with my latest baby. I immediately rushed to the Nishtar Hospital for treatment and had my baby safely delivered.”
She even insists that, “If I had not done the antenatal care visits at the I-MACCA I would not have be aware of the danger signs. Maybe I would have assumed the danger signs I faced were a normal thing for pregnant mothers, and stayed at home waiting for an unsafe delivery day.”
She attended three weekly seminars at I-MACCA and appreciated the information delivery system of the institute.
Many mothers died in Pakistan during deliveries due to the lack of knowledge of the danger signs and lack of proper medical assistance and care.